To an ordinary guy, his hair is his crown and glory. What more to a male Hollywood celebrity whose bread and butter is his looks? Unfortunately, 8 out of 10 men will suffer from varying degrees of baldness and being a celebrity does not exclude anyone from this predicament.
So how do stars deal with this? Short of doing drastic hair follicle replacements and surgeries or modern medications, here are a few trick that Hollywood stars use to make their heads look like “glamour” written all over it.
Humphrey Bogart and Jimmy Stewart were known for having hairpieces especially made for them and styled for them. Although this is the easiest and quickest remedy for baldness, it does have its consequences. Aside from being expensive and would require frequent maintenance, hairpieces are known for having an “artificial look” when exposed to daylight. It might look good on the cameras but it would make an ordinary Jow look ridiculous and would not be advisable for everyday use. Not to mention, winds exceeding 10 mph would definitely blow everything away and reveal to the world your “secret.”
Hair extensions
Receding hairline is the most common pattern of baldness. It is also the most difficult to hide. What to do? Make the most of what is left. Attach artificial hair to your own hair. Matthew McCounneghey, Brendan Frazier, and Ben Affleck are rumored to have utilized hair extensions in (or maybe even out) of the silver screen. While hair extension do have a not-so-drastic approach and, by all means, can be an everyday remedy, like toupees, it still has an artificial look in it and would only work with today’s cinema magic.
Drastic Hairstyles
This is the most common remedy that celebrities do to address their baldness. While comb over style ala-Donald Trump works well for elderly celebrities (as well as for the common grandpas) it does seem kind of out-of-date and has the word “bald underneath” written all over it. Fortunately, there are now modern hairstyles that would effectively hide, or at the very least, reduce the effect of baldness. Jude Law noticeably has a receding hairline, but with the right haircut and proper styling, we could hardly notice it on the silver screen.
Shaving it all of
However, if styling or haircut does not work for you, going all out could be the only way. It’s easy to do for the stylist and easy to maintain for the person. Vin Diesel, Patrick Stewart, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson to name a few are perfect examples of celebrities who went all out when their balding patterns are no longer controllable. Even with their crowns of, these celebrities still look dignified, attractive and retained the “glitter and glamour” celebrities are known for.
So take your pick; hair extension, new hairstyles, or going bald? Whatever you chose, pick the one that would make you feel comfortable and confident about your self.
Don’t worry. In this day and age, Bald is beautiful.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Hollywood Baldness
Posted by
The Master
causes of hair loss,
different hairstyle,
hair loss,
hair loss prevention,
hair styles,
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