A lot of people don't consider food as a cause of hair loss, as you try to understand it. It is possible..A healthy diet can promote a healthy hair, an unhealthy diet can lead to significant loss. Maintain a healthy diet that has servings of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats and dairy in moderation.
For men, a low-fat diet may help slow down the balding process. On some level, male pattern baldness might be tied to increased testosterone levels during puberty, which are often the result of a high-fat diet or eating too many animal products.
Hair loss in women is often difficult to diagnose and can be caused by many factors, including alopecia areata, hormone imbalances, menopause, dietary protein and amino acid deficiency, intestinal parasites, damage from hair treatments, and stress.
Nutritional deficits caused by extreme weight loss programs can make some people lose hair. The follicles require nutrients, just as the rest of your body does. Ensuring that your diet is filled with healthy foods can promote a healthy hair.
Processed foods has chemicals that can create health problems including hair loss for many individuals. Here are some foods to avoid if you are having hair loss problems:
> Aspartame is a synthetic sweetener that can actually lead to more problems than the refined white sugar, including hair loss.
> Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) may lead to health problems including losing hair.
> Refined white sugar has taken most of the natural elements in the sweetener out. Stick to natural sugar.
> White flour has been over-processed. Many of the nutrients in the grains that make the flour have been removed, leaving little to benefit the body.
> Hydrogenated oils may cause hair loss indirectly as they lead to other health conditions related to losing hair.
> Protein isolate may sound like a healthy option but this is an artificial element that involves hexane in its processing. Hexane is similar to gasoline.
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